

Meet the outstanding organizations who help make Northeast Ohio Women in Tech possible.

Greater Cleveland Partnership
GCP is the region’s leading economic development organization and with over 12,000 members, the largest metropolitan chamber of commerce in the nation. Guided by a board of corporate and entrepreneurial CEOs, the organization focuses on strategic initiatives, business services, and advocacy to build a vibrant business environment and region. It includes the Council of Smaller Enterprises (COSE) and Cleveland Development Advisors, a real estate development affiliate. GCP is committed to working with private, civic, and public partners to accelerate Greater Cleveland’s growth and prosperity towards being one of the Great Regions in the Great Lakes.

In 1848, Cleveland’s business community first convened to catalyze civic initiatives. Business leaders then and now work in partnership with public and philanthropic leaders for a greater region on our Great Lake. Building on the foundation started by the Cleveland Board of Trade and Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, GCP was formed in 2004 through the merger of several business groups including Cleveland Tomorrow, Greater Cleveland Growth Association, Greater Cleveland Roundtable, and their affiliates NorTech, COSE, and the Commission on Economic Inclusion. Through this, private sector leadership is aligned and unified to accelerate the region’s economic growth and prosperity.


CodeRed is a Cleveland-based technology firm specializing in secure web development and cloud services. They build brilliant technology that enables their clients to be leaders in their fields through IT leadership, application development, and cybersecurity.

OEC Connection

OEC® is an award-winning technology leader and innovator of original equipment (OE) replacement parts solutions. As the automotive industry’s largest OE parts marketplace, OEC connects more than 100,000 North American buyers and sellers to seamlessly market, manage, and move an average of over 6 million original equipment parts transactions monthly.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of NEOWIT or would like to donate other resources like meeting space, please contact us via the contact form.